
I mount my /usr/local directory from a remote server over NFS
using amd(8).  This means that I have the directories directly
beneath /usr/local appear on demand as symbolic links into
/tmp_mnt/eeyore/vol/local/pooh where the /usr/local for the local
machine "pooh" is mounted over NFS from "eeyore" (and mounted/unmounted
on demand).

This works very well, but there is a handful of ports that misbehave
with regards to manuals.  Of the 70 or so pre-built packages that I've
installed on my amd64-current system, the only ones misbehaving are

        databases/pkglocatedb           (pkglocatedb-1.5)
        devel/git,-main                 (git-2.25.0)
        sysutils/p5-File-Rename-1.10    (p5-File-Rename-1.10)

When I do "man pkglocate", for example, I get

man: /tmp_mnt/eeyore/vol/local/pooh/man//usr/local/man/man1/pkg_locate.1: 
SYSERR: open: No such file or directory

... and likewise for any other utility etc. from those ports.  Commands
like "git clone --help" gives similar diagnostics.

The manuals are actually visible where they are supposed to be:

$ ls -l /usr/local/man/man1/{git{,-clone},pkg_locate}.1
-rw-r--r--  1 root  bin  20005 Jan 20 22:20 /usr/local/man/man1/git-clone.1
-rw-r--r--  1 root  bin  50901 Jan 13 19:49 /usr/local/man/man1/git.1
-rw-r--r--  1 root  bin   2845 Jan 19 08:14 /usr/local/man/man1/pkg_locate.1

... so it looks as if man(1) is, for whatever reason, looking in the
wrong location for the file.

Manuals for other utilities, like rsync, pv, pwgen, openvpn, etc., do
work as they should.

I haven't created or changed any MAN* environment variables nor do I
have a /etc/man.conf file.  I haven't been able to figure out what's
special about the manuals for these ports.

Andreas (Kusalananda) Kähäri
SciLifeLab, NBIS, ICM
Uppsala University, Sweden


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