Hi ports --

Attached is a new port, comms/dump1090. Dump 1090 is a simple ADS-B
Mode-S decoder for RTLSDR devices.

Dump 1090 is an ADS-B Mode-S decoder specifically designed for RTLSDR

The main features are:
* Robust decoding of weak messages.
* Network support: TCP30003 stream (MSG5...), Raw packets, HTTP.
* Embedded HTTP server that displays the currently detected aircrafts
  on Google Maps.
* Single bit errors correction using the 24 bit CRC.
* Ability to decode DF11, DF17 messages.
* Ability to decode DF formats like DF0, DF4, DF5, DF16, DF20 and DF21
  where the checksum is xored with the ICAO address by brute forcing
  the checksum field using recently seen ICAO addresses.
* Decode raw IQ samples from file (using --ifile command line switch).
* Interactive command-line-interfae mode where aircrafts currently
  detected are shown as a list refreshing as more data arrives.
* CPR coordinates decoding and track calculation from velocity.
* TCP server streaming and receiving raw data to/from connected clients
  (using --net).

I noticed that an earlier version of dump1090 was sent back in 2016
and even OK'd but then never committed. This port, besides using the
latest upstream code, also cherry picks a PR that allows dump1090 to
work better with the much nicer VirtualRadar server, which I will send
in a separate email.

Works well on amd64 with my RTL-SDR blog radio, both with its own
standalone server and with the VirtualRadar server.



Attachment: dump1090.tgz
Description: application/compressed-tar

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