> This only affects mail when it enters postfix (or more 
> specifically, when it leaves the content_filter).  Mail 
> already in the queue will not be affected.  Mail that bypasses 
> the content_filter will not be affected.
> Why is "to=" logged above?  There must be a recipient address 
> to look up the recipient MX.

I sent the test message after I made the last adjustment (replacement of the 
space with a comma) to the master.cf. I saw the message traverse the 
content_filter (amavisd):

amavis[2669]: (02669-11) Passed CLEAN, MYNETS LOCAL [192.168.x.xxx] 
[192.168.x.xxx]  -> , Message-ID: , mail_id: DX9iOWagdlkP, Hits: -3.748, size: 
671, queued_as: 386063B91282, 316 ms

 then try and deliver directly, as apposed via the smarthost, hence the error 

I believe the list software must have detected and removed the email address in 
the "to=" field in order to stop email address harvesting. I double checked and 
it was definitely there in the log and in the email I sent to the list. The 
email address coincides with clubzone.com domain. What else can I try to debug?


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