Ian R. Justman wrote:

Hi, all.

I was curious what best practices are nowadays for those who use post-queue filtering if they elect not to keep spam/virused/bad-attachment-laden messages, something which I found myself having to do owing to my previous message (there's no way to selectively disable pre-queueing on a per-connection basis based on connecting IP or whether the remote party has authenticated itself).

After having moved from pre-queue-filtering to condition-based post-queue filtering, that leaves me with a problem based on my present Amavsid policy of rejecting any questionable messages (spam/virus/banned attachments) to kill messages dead in their tracks during the SMTP sesssion. As such, I will have to change to something like D_DISCARD so I can keep my mail queue clean.

Any thoughts?

My theory:

The only reasonable choices for a post-queue spam/virus filter are discard (and optionally quarantine), or tag+pass and let the mail client classify based on the tags. Rejecting spam/viruses post-queue will send a bounce to the likely-forged sender address, annoying some innocent party. Do this enough and you'll get blacklisted. Ditto for sending "your mail was blocked due to spam/virus" notices to the sender. Those should never be sent anymore.

For banned files, the choice isn't so clear. IME most banned files are sent by real users, so a bounce (or a sender notification) is returned to the actual sender; this is good. However, if you ban executables you will occasionally block an unknown virus. Those bounces will probably go to an innocent party, creating some backscatter.

Viruses should probably not be tagged+passed; too much risk of clients disregarding the virus tag. So the options with viruses are to either discard, or to separate virus scanning from spam scanning by using clamav-milter or similar to reject viruses pre-queue.


Actual implementation will depend on your size and business model. Here (private network with ~1000 users), we tag+pass spam up to some SA score, higher scoring spam is discarded. Viruses are always discarded. Discarded mail is saved in an admin-access-only quarantine for a few days, then removed by a cron job. We rarely need to release something from quarantine - maybe once every 3 or 4 months - but management likes to know it's there.

Noel Jones

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