On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 10:36:10PM +0100, Durk Strooisma wrote:

> I was examining my Postfix logs and saw two sequential sessions using the
> same queue ID. I was a bit surprised as I had the assumption that queue IDs
> were generated randomly, which means they should be practically unique.

They are not random, which makes unique within:

    - The 1 second interval when the queue id is created, provided your
      clock does not jump backwards
    - The lifetime of the message that has that queue id

When a new second stards, and the old message is gone, the queue id is
available for re-use.

> Okay, so this could be a wrong assumption... My question is, how are queue
> IDs exactly generated? I couldn't find this info in the Postfix
> documentation, but I might have overlooked it.

They are generated to avoid *collisions* of queue files names for
messages that exist at the same time, but not otherwise intended to be
unique beyond the two conditions above.


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