Durk Strooisma:
> >> I was examining my Postfix logs and saw two sequential sessions using
> >> the same queue ID. I was a bit surprised as I had the assumption that
> >> queue IDs were generated randomly, which means they should be
> >> practically unique.
> >
> > Postfix behaves as documented. Please point out where the documentation
> > made the promise to you that queue IDs are unique.
> Thanks. Well, the documentation is fine. Actually, I think it's one of best
> among software projects. The only information I couldn't find was about the
> creation of queue IDs. Therefore I found myself in the situation I couldn't
> refute my assumption.

Sometimes I am in the mood to pull people's leg.

More seriously, I take pride in documenting the behavior that is
guaranteed.  The algorithm that assigns queue IDs may change,
therefore the documentation makes no promises about how it's done.

Currently the ID is the name of a short-lived file. A future queue
implementation may use persistent files. In that case the queue ID
may need to be assigned in some other way. The only hard requirement
is that no two messages have the same ID while they are in the
Postfix queue.


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