> that check only blocks specific spam: spam that uses an address in your
> domain in the envelope sender (MAIL FROM command). this envelope sender
> is what you see in the Return-Path header in the sample you posted.
I tried adding the REJECT line to the "check_sender_access
hash:/etc/postfix/sender_access" and it still spams like hell. What
could be wrong?
> instead of spending time on theory, why don't you run the command that I
> told you?
> $ host
> and yes, the 300000 are DNS queries. if you don't get a lot of mail,
> then your DNS server won't be blocked, unless it forwards queries to
> your ISP.
I'll try mapping zen.spamhaus.org to in my /etc/hosts. This
should not require a DNS lookup and hopefully it works then. Let's see
> so you need to rebuild/reinstall it.
I'll keep this as an option should anything else fail.

Yours sincerely
Plüss Roland

Leader and Head Programmer
- Game: Epsylon ( http://epsylon.rptd.ch/ ,
http://www.moddb.com/games/4057/epsylon )
- Game Engine: Drag(en)gine ( http://dragengine.rptd.ch ,
http://www.moddb.com/engines/9/dragengine )
- Normal Map Generator: DENormGen ( http://epsylon.rptd.ch/denormgen.php )

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