On Tue, Jan 06, 2009 at 03:25:10PM +0530, ram wrote:

> if I use 
>    virtual_alias_maps = cdb:/path/mapfile 
> This doesnt work if mails are sent to users in uppercase 

"This doesn't work" is a very skimpy problem description.

> But if I use 
>   check_recipient_access cdb:/path/valid_recipients , that works fine
> for uupercase as well as lowercase recipients

"that works fine" is a very skimpy description of the desired behaviour.

> Is there any setting required to be done to enable uppercase recipient
> ids in virtual_alias_maps

Please post a more useful problem description, including the version of
Postfix you are running, configuration settings (postconf -n), relevant
logs (with unmodidifed orig_to=<...> and to=<...> delivery agent log
entries) with and without CDB and "postmap -q" examples using the same
CDB table to accurately disclose the table's contents relevant to
the posted log entries.


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