On Mon, Feb 09, 2009 at 02:13:55PM -0500, Wietse Venema wrote:

> > 
> > One minor nit in the document, it uses "xargs" to collect a file list for
> > "tar", but the file list may be too long for one command invocation:
> > 
> >     % cd INSTALL_ROOT
> >     % rm -f SOMEWHERE/outputfile
> >     % find . \! -type d -print | xargs tar cf SOMEWHERE/outputfile
> >     % gzip SOMEWHERE/outputfile 
> > 
> > With "tar c", only the last batch of files are in the tar archive. The
> > command should be "tar rf" not "tar cf".
> On what systems does the list exceed the NCARGS command length limit?

xargs(1) does not use "NCARGS", rather it uses various smaller limits:

            exec 2>/dev/null
            for i in 1 10 100 1000
                printf -- "--- %d ---\n" $i
                yes $(printf "%0${i}d" 0) | head -n1 | wc
                yes $(printf "%0${i}d" 0) | head -n10000 | 
                    xargs echo 2>/dev/null | head -1 | wc

    RHEL 3.0: ~24k input buffer:

        --- 1 ---
              1       1       2
              1    1024    2048
        --- 10 ---
              1       1      11
              1    1024   11264
        --- 100 ---
              1       1     101
              1     238   24038
        --- 1000 ---
              1       1    1001
              1      24   24024

    RHEL 4.0: ~24k input buffer

        --- 1 ---
              1       1       2
              1    1024    2048
        --- 10 ---
              1       1      11
              1    1024   11264
        --- 100 ---
              1       1     101
              1     252   25452
        --- 1000 ---
              1       1    1001
              1      25   25025

    SunOS 5.8: ~2k input buffer

        --- 1 ---
               1       1       2
               1     254     508
        --- 10 ---
               1       1      11
               1     185    2035
        --- 100 ---
               1       1     101
               1      20    2020
        --- 1000 ---
               1       1    1001
               1       2    2002


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