On 14-Mar-2009, at 13:02, mouss wrote:
test the connection manually:

$ telnet yourserv 587
EHLO yourclienthostname

Right, I do know that. Sorry if I wasn't clear, my only point was that what was actaully logged under submit was not useful and expressing disappointment that there wasn't something like "TLS failed" "AUTH failed" or "Hey, dumbass, you forgot to create a valid cert". Something along those lines.

Appears so. Its default setting is "Use default ports (25, 465, 587)"

this would be only at setup time (when you add an account...).

No, that is the setting, unless you change it, for the outgoing server (outgoing servers in Mail.app are separate from accounts), but it does appear to actaully default to the first one that succeeds, and doesn't like if if taht port (25) stops working.

or maybe if connection to the configured port doesn't work anymore. otherwise, it
would be a nuisance.

Yes, it can be a nuisance...

Oh, and someone asked what ISPs would ever block p587? I had a user who was unable to access the mail server from Darfur until I opened up a port above 1024 to SMTP. He was able to CHECK mail, but not send on either 25 or 587. I think I setup 2025 for him and everything worked fine, albeit at glacial speed. Then he discovered Squirrelmail and it's not been a problem since.

It was almost like the Sudan had a single 128K DSL connection to the rest of the world....

Incredible! One of the worst performances of my career and they
        never doubted it for a second.

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