On 15.10.23 08:52, B Williams via Postfix-users wrote:
There is a spam network that has figured out that they can bypass my spam filtering service by ignoring the MX record and just sending mail directly to the mail server. Pretty sneaky.

Spammers do this for decades.

So what I’m trying to devise is a strategy that would allow me to reject email for some domains if it didn’t come through the spam filtering service, but allow messages for other domains to be delivered that I don’t have going through the spam service.

Ideally, there would be some kind of hash map that would basically say if the domain is present in the map it must come through a defined relayhost.

You can do this by allowing virus filter (check_client_access) and then blocking mentioned domains (check_recipient_access) at the end of smtpd_recipient_access

I recomment start with temporary blocking.

Or maybe there is a custom milter strategy.

yeah, but writing that will be more compliated.

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