Dear Viktor, dear Wietse,

thanks again for your vigilant eyes.

On 2024-01-05 19:31:35 +0100, Viktor Dukhovni via Postfix-users wrote:
On Fri, Jan 05, 2024 at 06:46:01PM +0100, Peter Wienemann via Postfix-users 
RFC 2033 says: "The LMTP protocol is identical to the SMTP protocol [SMTP]
[HOST-REQ] with its service extensions [ESMTP], except as modified by this

But, in fact LMTP MX records are only for SMTP relay, and to not apply
to either submission or LMTP.

I do not find any exceptions mentioned in RFC 2033 concerning the choice of
target hosts. Therefore - to my understanding - the same target selection
rules apply for SMTP and LMTP. If this is a misunderstanding on my part,
please correct me.

They do not.  MX records specify the location of the inbound SMTP
servers for a domain, and there is no reason to expect to find the
associated LMTP servers at the same set of servers.

I completely overlooked that part.

Since the RFC failed to note this distinction, the problem is with the RFC.

It seems that I am in good company with my mistake. Obviously the same happened to the author of the Postfix documentation, too. ;-)

Here is an excerpt from smtp(8)/lmtp(8):

The SMTP+LMTP client looks up a list of mail  exchanger  addresses  for
the  destination  host,  sorts  the list by preference, and connects to
each listed address until it finds a server that responds.

Best regards,

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