On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 06:11:24PM +0200, Melvyn Sopacua wrote:

> > Mailbox files, on the other hand, are usually overwritten, and they
> > are updated in place.  This almost works reliably, especially if
> > you use dotlock files and turn off NFS attribute caching.
> >
> And I was talking about OP's case of sharing configuration files. I do a lot 
> more with nfs, where multiple machines can write to the same file. As long as 
> I do it in sequence, the other ones will see the changes. Two people editing 
> the same file falls into shooting yourself in the foot category and is not 
> specific to NFS or even two different machines.

It is IMHO much more sensible to push config files from a central machine
where the configs are kept under revision control in CVS, SVN, ... than
to share configs (and indexed tables) via NFS.


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