
I am using Postfix with the virtual agent to deliver to Maildirs for LDAP users. We use Courier IMAP to pick up mail. This all works fine, but I would like to provide Sieve for users. I have been looking at maidag (http://www.gnu.org/software/mailutils/manual/html_node/maidag.html).

Would it be reasonable to use 'pipe' and pass mail for delivery to maidag instead of 'virtual'? I'm interested to note that I can find no references to maidag being used with Postfix. Can
anybody foresee problems with this?

In particular I am wondering if there are any subtle differences between the Maildir format used by Postfix's virtual (which I suspect uses standard Maildir since it doesn't appear to have a use for folders), Courier (which seems to use 'Maildir++') and maidaig (which presumably must have some form of extension if it is delivering mail into folders). Could this
preclude all 3 programs using the same Maildirs?

I am also wondering if there is an unreasonable overhead involved. pipe will have to spawn maidag for each Maildir; is this reasonable? I am unable to determine if virtual has to do the same thing. Grepping my logs I see virtual seems to deliver multiple mails using a single PID, however virtual(8) shows that it can use a range of UIDs, which I assume requires multiple
processes(since virtual is not running as root)?

Thanks for any help,


Ian Crowther           Tel: +44 845 4501626  Unit 108, 10th Avenue,
IT Dept, Comtek        Fax: +44 845 4501627  Zone 3, Deeside Industrial
Network Systems UK Ltd                       Park, CH5 2UA, Flintshire

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