Hi everyone,

I had a problem with rate limiting in postfix in last week, and I had to
disable it. I don't know why but I set up rate limiting per IP and it
looks like it didn't count rates correctly. Let me shed a lit a bit for
my problem.

My company decided to limit a number of messages per day per IP. That's
why we run anvil and limit 1000msg/24h/IP, so I put into main.cf:

smtpd_client_event_limit_exceptions = /etc/postfix/ratelimiting
smtpd_client_message_rate_limit = 1000

File /etc/postfix/ratelimiting contains:

What means limit everyone besides IP's with "!" on the front because I
excluded all my clients, and put on the end what should mean
count everyone besides... The problem which occurred in last week was
that one of our customers complains that he received a message during
connection that connection limit has been exceeded. What shouldn't be
right because as I counted "manually" he sends about 350 messages per
day and the limit was 1000. The worst problem was that he was included
to EXCLUDE list, so his IP shouldn't be taken into consideration and

I presume syntax in exclude list is incorrect or I don't understand how
anvil works at all.

Thank you for any help in advance.


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