Daniel L. Miller put forth on 1/18/2010 12:51 PM:

> A point - and a good one for initialization of the whitelist.  However,
> this does not address the need to add new addresses to the list
> automatically.  Example - our company changes insurance brokers, and
> needs to receive forms from the new broker.  Such communications should
> not be reliant on the IT department "unlocking" the mail server - just
> the act of the office manager's sending an e-mail to the broker should
> be sufficient.

Daniel, it seems you're looking for feature perfection in rev. 0.1.1 of an as
yet created home brew software solution.  Do you think you might be setting your
sights a bit high?  Is this because you already have a solution that does all
these things perfectly, and you're _expecting_ your new home brew solution to do
the same right from the start?

If you _need_ a home brew solution _now_, start small and inelegant, getting
most of the functionality you want/need.  This can be done with simple scripts
and cron.  After it's working relatively well, _then_ spend time creating the
"elegant" solution.  JMHO.


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