Zitat von Wietse Venema <wie...@porcupine.org>:

It's nice for a change to work with someone who provides actual
information, instead of that dork from last week who was just
venting his opinions and not giving people a chance to help.

In this case it looks like a Solaris TCP bug when sending data over
a connection that suffers from heavy packet loss.  Apparently,
Solaris 10 stops retransmitting, and therefore the other side times

Without following the thread closely and without examining the dump data, it reminds me of an outstanding problem we have with one site showing the same timeout after data for mail exceeding around 150kb. As far as i have found out it seems to be a expensive firewall running on solaris with "extended protection" on, munging with SACK and window-scaling at some point. The problem manifests in the dump with many retransmits because of missing segments (the remote has 10x bandwidth than we have) which were reordered by SACK and the remote end totaly ditching one missing segment at some point and sending over and over again some later data until transfer totaly stops and the timeout jump in. I can provide raw dump data in private for such a case. Unfortunately the remote side was not that interested to solve the problem so i give up on this.



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