Stan Hoeppner a écrit :
> mouss put forth on 3/6/2010 3:01 PM:
>> so OP not only has a "generic" name, but it doesn't resolve back to the
>> IP. If he can get his ISP to fix his reverse (preferably using a custom
>> reverse), then maybe things will get better.
> I assume this is difficult if not impossible, given it appears residential,

Any ISP should configure PTRs for their IPv4 space. but I guess you are
talking about the other part (custom rdns). Some ISPs provide custom
reverse for free (ex: others provide it for a fee (may or may
not be ok for OP).

but in any case, anyone can tell the ISP that not setting up reverse DNS
for IPv4 space is dumb.

> so I recommended fixing what he could, the HELO name.  And yes, many sites
> will block that PTR string at client name lookup as well as HELO lookup, but
> I think the probability is higher with HELO.


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