mouss put forth on 3/6/2010 6:03 PM:
> Stan Hoeppner a écrit :
>> [snip]
>> A web server with a single IP address hosting 378 vitural domains.  Should
>> it have 379 PTRs?  One for the host itself and one for each virtual domain?
>>  Of course not.
>> A mail server with a single IP address hosting 378 mail domains?  Should it
>> have 379 PTRs?  One for the host itself and one for each virtual MX domain?
>>  Of course not.  In this case, the DNS infrastructure isn't smart enough to
>> return matching records even though they do exist, so why bother?
> Stan, you're confused. What is "asked" for is:

I'm not confused at all mouss.  I was mocking Greg with an absurd example of
what he espouses here:

Greg A. Woods put forth on 3/6/2010 2:58 PM:

> For every hostname pointing at an IP address, there should be a
> corresponding PTR for that address pointing back at the hostname.

My example exactly matches what he says.  What he says is incorrect.  I was
drawing attention to his absurd suggestion with an example of absurdity.


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