On Wed, 2010-09-01 at 20:13 +0200, Jeroen Geilman wrote:
> On 08/25/2010 03:17 PM, Zhou, Yan wrote:
> > Hi there,
> > We want to implement SMTP authentication in Postfix and support multiple
> > virtual domains. Rather than having user/domain/endpoint in different
> > files, we prefer them either in database (Oracle) or LDAP. I am trying
> > to weigh the pros and cons of both options. I have not seen examples
> > about Oracle (most are with MySQL). We are building a new system, so we
> > do not have any legacy data to migrate.
> > Anyone have an opinion or can direct me to some documents that outline
> > pros and cons of Oracle integration and LDAP integration with Postfix? I
> > already got LDAP working and find it fairly easy, not sure if Oracle
> > integration is just like that.
> Adding to the earlier replies, it won't be that easy at all, because 
> there is no postfix support for Oracle maps.
> Postfix, of course, doesn't do SMTP authentication - it asks an SASL 
> provider, which says "yes" or "no".
> In this sense, postfix support for $yourbackend is only part of the 
> equation - your chosen SASL provider must support it too.
> Currently supported SASL providers are Cyrus and dovecot;

SASL with LDAP is pretty common.

>  one advantage 
> of dovecot is that it supports just about absolutely any backend you can 
> think of - except, obviously, Oracle - and I really like its easy 
> configuration.

+1 Cyrus.  Even easier configuration, robust, fast, and feature

> An advantage of LDAP is that you can use any schema that suits you - so 
> if you already HAVE a schema that is useful, you can hijack attributes 
> that aren't used and re-purpose them for, say, mailbox location, 
> aliases, access lists, passwords, whatever.
> Or you can extend the schema, if you have that option, and add any 
> attributes you need.

LDAP is also the 'standard' way to do such things.  If you *really* want
to use Oracle you can use OpenLDAP's back-sql to provide an LDAP view of
your RDBMS data.  But this account, configuration, etc... information,
IMNSHO, belongs in a DSA [directory server, aka LDAP] anyway and not in
a "database".

> If you wanted to, you could con Windows AD into working seamlessly with 
> postfix - all you need is the right LDAP query maps.

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