Am 19.01.2011 14:34, schrieb J4:
> On 01/19/2011 02:27 PM, Ralf Hildebrandt wrote:
>> * J4 <>:
>>> On 01/19/2011 02:04 PM, Ralf Hildebrandt wrote:
>>>> * J4 <>:
>>>>> Hi there,
>>>>>     I set-up Postfix to enforce quotas using this in the
>>>> This is a patched, unsupported postfix.
>>>> Whose patch is it?
>>> Hi Ralf,
>>> This explains everything.  I read in a guide that it would work, but
>>> reading your reply realise that the guide refers to a patched version
>>> that the guide did not note.  Oh well. Explains everything.  I shall
>>> drop the idea because I don't know what the patch is.  /deep sigh.
>> Damn. What you COULD do is use dovecot-2.0 instead (whcih has quotas)
> Hi Ralf,
>     I would love to use Dovecot, but I have spend three weeks,
> consisting of about 3 man hours daily, to try and get quotas working in
> mysql and dovecot LDA.  The result is that Dovecot deliver ignores the
> quotas (stored in mysql).  Sadly, I have exhausted any good will I had
> from the Dovecot mailing list for at least until they have forgotten my
> email address :-)  There are only so many stupid questions I can ask. 
> Also, I have Dovecot 1.2 (latest) and won't upgrade to version 2 until
> its in the Debian repos. At least I can keep this stable.  I can live
> with a Postfix patch for the timebeing.  I shall move to Dovecot 2 when
> it is in the Debian squeeze repositories.
> Therefore, I'll look into the postfix VDA patch - At least it would
> reject it before it even got as far as Dovecot, which would reduce load.

i have it up and running with dovecot no need for VDA
dovecot 2.09 has a debian auto build repo here

if problems with vda ask on their list
Best Regards

MfG Robert Schetterer


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