Am 02.03.2011 08:56, schrieb Eero Volotinen:

>> So I can nothing to do with it (in Postfix) config - just to degrade
>> Postfix with "relayhost" to my ISP SMTP server - what is exactly
>> what I have did not want.
> No need to route all mails to isp, just route needed mails. (for example
> all ones that are going to gmail)

how often should we explain how naive this statement is?

there are so many filter-services and mailservers rejecting dial-up
that it is simply "russion roulette with mails" what you say
and to make it clear: recommend this to anybody who understood
the problem after many mails on the list is not really smart

YOU can do this for your server if you have nothing to do as
creeping in your config the whole day but stop to say this
is a solution

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