Hi Wietse,

I thing I havent made myself clear.

I have an email app running on BOX A and POSTFIX on BOX B.

The BOX A connects to POSTFIX to send the messages.
Thats exactly where the delay is. When the application tries to send
the messages to POSTFIX, the APP sends about 2 messages per second TO
POSTFIX using domain ZOOM4U.COM.BR.
If I just change the SENDER DOMAIN TO ANY OTHER NAME, the APP sends
about 40 messages per second TO POSTFIX.

After that, POSTFIX manages the delivery by itself and there is no
issue at all in that part. It really delivery the messages to SMTP's
recipients very fast.

The bottleneck is when POSTFIX RECEIVES THE CONNECTION from my
application when using domain ZOOM4U.COM.BR.

I've already fixed the DNS records. It might take a while to propagate.

Thanks in advance.

On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 11:52 AM, Wietse Venema <wie...@porcupine.org> wrote:
> Rafael Azevedo:
>> Mar 15 11:38:17 mxcluster postfix/smtp[13274]: 32781115314:
>> to=<di...@iagente.com.br>, relay=mx2.iagente.com.br[]:25,
>> delay=0.86, delays=0.6/0.02/0.23/0.01, dsn=4.7.1, status=deferred
>> (host mx2.iagente.com.br[] said: 450 4.7.1 Client host
>> rejected: cannot find your hostname, [] (in reply to RCPT
>> TO command))
> With a 50% chance to get NXDOMAIN for your PTR record, Postfix will
> have to try to deliver this recipient 2-3 times before the PTR
> lookup succeeds, so the message will be delayed for 5-10 minutes.
>        Wietse

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