Am 19.03.2011 16:14, schrieb David Touzeau:
> Le samedi 19 mars 2011 à 11:05 -0400, Wietse Venema a écrit :
>> David Touzeau:
>>> I expected a feature that reduce the queue life time per SMTP error code
>>> but it seems that this kind of feature does not exists on postfix  
>> Do you mean, feature to detect that is a typo?
>> Do you mean, feature to drop mail immediately when
>> accepts no SMTP connection? What about other domains with
>> delivery errors?
>>      Wietse
> i means reduce the queue life time per outgoing connection error.
> For example, Postfix detect a "Connection refused" and reduce queue life
> time  to 6 hours instead 5 days for this error.
> But for a  "timed out" it  keep 5 days.

this makes no sense

the reason for the lifetime is simple and if 5 days is to long
for you set the global value lower - wie did for 3 days

* connection refused
  have you ever migrated big servers, dns and so on?
  6 hours are are too less for kill all mails
  if a nameserver lives on the mailhost and is the main
  server for the domain-record of the machine the old
  answers have a TTL of two days and you have no option
  do do anything to make this faster  (google for glue-record)

* connection timeout
  sometimes there are troubles

the only one where it makes sense to reduce is for dns-errors
because there are always two nameservers or more and if the
gone away longer than a day the domain is dead or the reason
happens not often if the domain is still alive and has troubles

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