On 22/03/2011 9.29, Angelo Amoruso wrote:
> sorry to bother you, but I'm smashing my head on a problem from some
> time and even I've read previous posts and other Postfix documentation,
> there's still something I don't catch.
> Currently if from my postfix installation, behind a static IP, I try to
> send email to yahoo I often get the error:
> Mar 21 06:32:21 mailforward postfix/smtp[19388]: send attr reason = lost
> connection with a.mx.mail.yahoo.com[] while sending end of
> data -- message may be sent more than once

> Do I need a policy server for that?

today I've just played with postfwd (http://postfwd.org/) and I was able
to achieve the desired result, ie having a way to reject with a failure
code mails directed on a specified domain (in my case yahoo.it and
yahoo.com) when total size is above a predefined limit.

Anyway, just for curiosity is there a way to accomplish the same using
only Postfix and not extra software?


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