Am 16.04.2011 23:54, schrieb mouss:

>> in fact you should not do this because it needs two dns-queries for
>> the sending server everytime and you set the MX only once
> I see no difference:
> - with no MX:
> 1- lookup MX: none
> 2- lookup A for domain
> - with MX:
> 1- lookup MX: returns say
> 2- lookup A for

on the first look

but in reality one mailserver is hosting many domains
if any nameserver has our "" in his cache
he can answer the MX for 200 other domains from his cache

would the 200 domains have no MX record the first query would
have no result and then the nameserver needs a second one
for the a-record which has to be cached for each domain even
if it would be the same ip-address

additionally: negative dns-hits have a small TTL
positive hits usually have a ttl from 1 hour to two days
so there is a hughe difference in the background

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