On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 07:07:25AM -0400, Wietse Venema wrote:

> > The utility uses various Postfix library functions, and builds properly
> > only within the Postfix source distribution, so if not adopted by Wietse,
> > it would be an unofficial "patch", and I don't think that releasing it
> > as a patch makes much sense. If the community feels it's useful, perhaps
> > Wietse will adopt it, otherwise it can quitely disappear...
> I think this is an example of 0.1% benefit. It makes the learning
> curve steeper, because it inserts an unfamiliar program between
> the user and an unfamiliar file format. It does not help the people
> who make the mistakes.
> Like other mistakes, this user's mistake could be addressed by
> adding an extra "helpful error message" to the master daemon (if
> the line starts with '-<letter> then it's pretty surely a bad line
> continuation).

Not claiming that postconf(1) will protect users from themselves, it
is just a CLI for querying and modifying master.cf. Indeed for most
users vi(1) is just fine.

    POSTMAST(1)                                                   POSTMAST(1)

           postmast - Postfix master.cf command-line editor

           postmast [-c config_dir] [-dn] [-s service] [-t type]

           postmast [-c config_dir] -e definition -s service -t type

           postmast [-c config_dir] -# [-s service] -t type

So one can list the definition (or the default definition, or a non-default
definition) of all services or a specific service or service type. Or edit
the definition of a service, or comment-out a service.

I agree it is not essential. I'll just keep it in-house...


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