> Postfix writes the Received: header at message arrival time.  The
> decision to add a Received: state field must be made before the
> "250 OK" in response to end-of-data, after the message is frozen (*).
> Once Postfix sends "250 OK" in response to end-of-data, there is no way
> that a Received: header can be replaced without violating the RFC
> requirement that mail not be lost due to frivolous causes.

Murray S. Kucherawy:
> A quarantine instruction from milter is returned by the EOM callback
> before the DATA 250 is sent (has to, or SMFIS_REJECT couldn't be
> implemented, for example).  I think that's the one case that seemed
> most obvious to me, and it also seems to fall within these design
> parameters.

Given that "quarantine" is one of the pre-defined states, that
seems an obvious use case.

> I don't think you have to worry about the other states the draft
> talks about, as they're mostly to do with things that are implemented
> outside of an MTA (MLM hold-for-moderation, for example).

If this Received: state is recorded by the MLM after delivery from
MTA to MLM, then indeed I don't care, since this happens outside
of the MTA.

But that is not what the example suggests: it has all the fingerprints
of Sendmail (software / configuration) versions 8.6.11.

> But design issues aside, would you consider implementing it at
> some point?  Indications of interest like that would be useful
> input to the IETF.

I suppose it is doable, but what is the killer application that
would encourage me to do this?


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