Zitat von The Eye <mhell...@in-ulm.de>:

On Wed, May 02, 2012 at 07:05:03AM -0400, Wietse Venema wrote:
Michael Hellwig:
> I've been butting my head against this one for quite some time now.

You might want to read this document:


This decribes what is needed to avoid "user unknown" and "relay access
denied" errors.

After this, setting up a suitable virtual_transport in main.cf
becomes a minor detail.

Well maybe I'm really dense now, but when I look at that document, I
still see that virtual mailboxes are supposed to be on their own domain,
NOT on the same domain as the local users, given that the distinction
between the two types of mailboxes is made via the domain?

Or do I misunderstand something?

If you want to mix local and virtual delivery in the same "external" maildomain you have to split them and rewrite the mail routing information in the envelope. Something like this for example

user1@domain -> virtual1@domain
user2@domain -> local1@local.servername

and route the mail with transport maps as intended.



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