Am 05.08.2012 22:27, schrieb Adam NEVERT:
>>> Hello,
>>> I need to have a unical user who can send emails without
>>> authentication and only on my domain how can I achieve that ?
>>>> How can you tell wether it is this user or not if it is not authenticated ?
>>> I can tell it is a user because it is in my alias_maps
>> take a deep breath!
>> you can tell NOTHING without authentication
>> your alias maps will not replace authentication
>> so what you try to do is broken by design
> I have no problem to breath ... I was just asking I'm not postfix expert

you do not need to be pissed off, really

this is independent from postfix

if you remove authentication from a service which is
reachable from the network your service is wide open
as long you can not restrict u´it 100% to a source-ip

if you can not restrict the access to a source-ip than
you have simply not a user because you took away auth
and everybody out there can chosse a sender as he like
why smtp-auth was invented to stop open relays

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