Jan Johansson:
> Ok, I am seeing a lot of mail on one of our machines. They are all
> headed for a few servers running PLESK.
> It appears that (from google'ing) that this software generates a
> 451 error when a recipients mailbox is full It is possible to have
> postfix kill of these messages and treat a 451 from certain servers
> as a permanent error?

Maybe PLESK has an option to make "mailbox full" a hard error (to be
honest, Postfix's own "mailbox full" action is not configurable).

Otherwise you can try to use the smtp_reply_filter feature. This
is an incedibly sharp knife for desperate situations. Use at your
own risk.

Untested example:

    smtp_reply_filter = /etc/postfix/smtp_reply_filter.pcre

    # This assumes that the reply is one line only.
    /^451 PLESK reply text here/ 551 5.2.2 Mailbox full

Make the PCRE pattern as specific as possible, so that it matches
only PLESK responses.

Another option is to configure a specific SMTP client in master.cf
for PLESK deliveries, put the smtp_reply_filter option in master.cf,
and direct mail to this client with the transport_maps feature.

RFC 3653 Section 3.3

For the second option:


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