On 12/10/2012 2:38 AM, martijn.list wrote:
> It's probably my misunderstanding on the reject_rbl_client syntax

No, it's your misunderstanding of the dnsbl reply syntax.

> reject_rbl_client example.com=[127;128].0.0.1
> I use this as a restriction in smtpd_recipient_restrictions:
> smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_mynetworks
> reject_unauth_destination reject_rbl_client example.com=[127;128].0.0.1

Please demonstrate a dnsbl that responds with 128.x.x.x

It's a trick question.  You can't.  128.x.x.x is a valid IPv4 network
and cannot be used generically because it is not reserved.  The first
"d" in "d.d.d.d" is always "127" per the dnsbl standard.

Brush up on your dnsbl foo mate.


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