Am 26.04.2013 13:20, schrieb Wietse Venema:
>> On 26/04/2013 00:15, grarpamp wrote:
>>>> maildir format scale[s] quite well; pretty much the only
>>>> limitation is storage I/O.
>>> Depending on your FS and horsepower, anything over
>>> 1000 x (n * 10) files in a directory can start to sink you
>>> pretty quick. I've always wondered if there's a maildir split
>>> specified out there that applications could utilize...
>>> where n is your split width... tmp/n, new/n, cur/n.
>> what about shifting this problem to the storage layer?
> Faster disks don't solve algorithmic problems (problems related
> to the number of files per directory).

alternate you may use mdbox

>       Wietse

Best Regards
MfG Robert Schetterer

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