On 8/4/2013 9:54 PM, Noel Jones wrote:
> On 8/4/2013 8:06 PM, Ronald F. Guilmette wrote:
>> Also, I have just added all of the following to my
>> smtpd_recipient_restrictions:
>>         reject_rhsbl_reverse_client multi.surbl.org
>>         reject_rhsbl_reverse_client multi.uribl.com
>>         reject_rhsbl_reverse_client dbl.spamhaus.org
>>         reject_rhsbl_sender multi.surbl.org
>>         reject_rhsbl_sender multi.uribl.com
>>         reject_rhsbl_sender dbl.spamhaus.org
>>         reject_rhsbl_helo multi.surbl.org
>>         reject_rhsbl_helo multi.uribl.com
>>         reject_rhsbl_helo dbl.spamhaus.org
>> For the time being, and mostly just to see how effective these filters
>> are on their own, I have these listed in my smtpd_recipient_restrictions
>> *prior to* several subsequent reject_rbl_client clauses.  Oddly however,
>> in spite of the ordering, it is appearing to me as if perhaps the above
>> RHS filters are either not actually being applied or else are being applied
>> _after_ the subsequent reject_rbl_client filters.  Certainly, some spam
>> that I believe should have been rejected on the basis of one or another
>> of the above RHS filters I am instead seeing (in my maillog file) being
>> rejected instead by one or another of the subsequent reject_rbl_client
>> filters.   What could I be doing wrong?
> Doing RBL client checks in postscreen?

That would be one cause.  Another could be having duplicate
reject_rbl_client statements in smtpd_client_restrictions.

Ron, putting all of your restriction statements under
smtpd_recipient_restrictions and removing the others, i.e.


is beneficial especially when troubleshooting things of this nature,
where evaluation order matters.  Since smtpd_delay_reject is enabled by
default you can put all restrictions in smtpd_recipient_restrictions.


In your current case, if you have a reject_rbl_client statement in
smtpd_client_restrictions it will evaluate first, and first match wins.
 So the rejection occurs before evaluation reaches say reject_rhsbl_helo
dbl.spamhaus.org in your smtpd_recipient_restrictions.

This may not be what's happening in this case, but putting all
restrictions under smtpd_recipient_restrictions is good practice
regardless.  It also makes complex whitelisting setups much easier, etc,


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