Am 18.10.2013 19:48, schrieb francis picabia:
> OK, with the syslog entry Noel suggested, I can see traffic has arrived on
> submission port.  Yet if I grep for the IP connecting, I see no sasl login.
> Oct 18 14:39:24 myserver postfix-internal/submission/smtpd[25329]:
> connect from[]
> Oct 18 14:39:24 myserver postfix-internal/submission/smtpd[25329]:
> NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from
>[]: 454 4.7.1
> <>: Relay access denied;
> from=<> to=<> proto=ESMTP
> helo=<[]>
> There must be a config to be tightened up somewhere in there

* it is not Port 25
* it is rejected

*what* do you imagine to tighten?

Port 587 is open, so any idiot out there can *try* to submit on 587
it is rejected becaus ehe does not authenticate
you are clearly searching for a solution where no problem exists

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