Maksim Kulik:
> Hi!
> I have postfix 2.1 installed on my server. And i want to use virtual users
> from mysql. Everything works fine except sending emails from processes
> running from virtual users accounts. I receive the following error in
> maillog:
> Oct 20 00:09:33 1gb postfix/sendmail[14070]: fatal: no login name found for
> user ID 10020
> How can I tell postfix where to find login names for virtual uids?

The Postfix sendmail accepts mail from UNIX system processes.  It
uses the getpwuid() system library function to look up the UNIX
system user's name. This name is used for the envelope sender and
the rfc822.from address.

To prevent Postfix sendmail from looking up this information you
must supply the sender name or address with the -f command-line


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