On Sun, Oct 20, 2013 at 12:29:44AM +0300, Maksim Kulik wrote:
> I have postfix 2.1 installed on my server.

2.1? Do you mean 2.10? Do not start out with an old, unsupported 

> And i want to use virtual users from mysql. Everything works
> fine except sending emails from processes running from virtual
> users accounts.

How did you manage to do this? The whole idea of a "virtual account" 
is that it is not a system account, not able to run system commands. 
Typically a virtual user uses SMTP submission, not sendmail(1).

> I receive the following error in maillog:

> Oct 20 00:09:33 1gb postfix/sendmail[14070]: fatal: no login name 
> found for user ID 10020
> How can I tell postfix where to find login names for virtual uids?

UID-to-name resolution is done by your OS NSS (name service switch) 
libraries; this usually uses /etc/passwd(5).

> I already have the following lines in main.cf:
> virtual_uid_maps = static:2000
> virtual_gid_maps = static:2000
> It doesn't help.

Of course not, and 10020 != 2000. Where did this UID 10020 cone from, 
and why is it running sendmail?


WAG: 10020 is your httpd or webmail UID, and your webmail is wrongly 
configured to use sendmail. Change your webmail client to use SMTP.
  http://rob0.nodns4.us/ -- system administration and consulting
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