On Sun, Oct 20, 2013 at 01:34:57AM +0200, Olaf Marzocchi wrote:
> However, Postfix cannot do SMTPS on port 465, so I installed 
> stunnel and I set it to connect to ssl0.ovh.net:465. I did it on my 
> OS X 10.8 and it worked, I can send mail from command line. As 
> reference, I used the config suggested in postifx help:
> [smtp-tls-wrapper]
> accept = localhost:11125

Port 11125.

> client = yes
> connect = ssl0.ovh.net:465
> ;delay = yes
> I replicated both main.cf and stunnel.conf on OmniOS and it doesn't 
> work! However, I ask in this mailing list because postfix is an 
> extra package not part of the base OmniOS distro. If you tell me 
> everything seems ok, I will ask them.
> The error I get from postfix is the following, taken from the 
> output of "mailq":
> (connect to[]:11125: Connection refused)

11125 is not working, right.

> Well, I tried "telnet 465" from a SSH prompt and I was

465 != 11125

> able to connect to the remote mail server, so stunnel is working 
> and listening.

Not necessarily.

> So what should I do now?

Keep digging on the stunnel configuration.
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