Viktor Dukhovni wrote the following on 21.10.2013 17:21:
> On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 10:07:13AM -0500, Noel Jones wrote:
>> Looks as if they use a private root CA.  Probably the easiest fix is
>> to use "fingerprint" verification.  See:
> No, that would be a trust error not a signature error.

I've already got one fingerprint and one verify policy in place on the
system in question, and I hadn't run across this error in my trial and
error effort involved in getting those working. Yes, they do use a
private root CA, but the MX hosts present the connecting client with the
entire certificate chain, so that is not the problem.

Maybe fingerprinting would work, though. I'll give it a shot on a test
system. Thanks for the suggestion.


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