On 12/28/2013 3:20 AM, post...@pupat-ghestem.net wrote:
> Just as in moparisthebest's message this is to filter email coming
> to my kid's email.
> This is a single address. Lets call it b...@mydomain.com. Any mail
> from authorized senders (family, friends, ...) goes to bill's
> mailbox. Any other mail goes to another mailbox (bob).
> I would indeed be testing the sender's email only for emails going
> to that particular recipient (b...@mydomain.com)

The postfix feature for this is restriction classes. Some examples
are in the README:

Basically, start with a check_recipient_access table. If it matches
the protected recipient, call a check_sender_access regexp table
that returns DUNNO for approved senders, and returns REDIRECT
b...@example.com for anyone else.

You can also do this with a policy server such as postfwd, or a milter.

  -- Noel Jones

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