Am 26.02.2014 02:25, schrieb DTNX Postmaster:
> On 26 Feb 2014, at 00:54, wrote:
>> Am 26.02.2014 00:46, schrieb DTNX Postmaster:
>>> On 26 Feb 2014, at 00:29, wrote:
>>>> Am 25.02.2014 17:41, schrieb Dirk Stöcker:
>>>>> On Tue, 25 Feb 2014, Viktor Dukhovni wrote:
>>>>>>> smtp_dns_support_level = dnssec
>>>>>>> was enough to fix this. I'll see how many servers will have a
>>>>>>> "Verified" connection in the future.
>>>>>> I hope you read the note about the importance of having
>>>>>> and/or ::1 as the only nameservers listed in /etc/resolv.conf, and
>>>>> No, did not read it, but this was obvious :-)
>>>> why and how should this work for real networks where
>>>> you have two DNS servers for failover in the LAN and
>>>> typically no one on the mailserver?
>>>> if and support DNSSEC it
>>>> has to work if both of them in resolv.conf, otherwise
>>>> DANE will not happen in the real world
>>> The local resolver can have the resolvers on the LAN configured as 
>>> forwarders, but you need the local stub resolver. No reason not to have 
>>> one, really, especially on a busy mail server
>> yes, you normally have a local resolver on the mailserver
>> but you hardly trust that one alone and in case it crashs
>> you typically have another one on the LAN
>> mailserver's /etc/resolv.conf:
> If you cannot trust a local resolver by itself

redundancy has nothing to do with trust as well as RAID is not a backup

> as the only resolver configured at the system level, you have a 
> different problem that has nothing to with DANE, or Postfix

see above

> For DANE to work properly and reliable, local only is a requirement

if you can not trust your resolvers in the own network you have a
problem and if your localhost resolver does nothing else than
ask these resolvers you gain noting

in case you have a postfix relay on any machine and if you
start to implement DANE network wirde it is nonsense run on
20, 30, 100 machines on top of the same virtualization host
a local resolver asking another VM on the same host

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