On 27/2/2014 4:40 μμ, Nikolaos Milas wrote:

Now that amavis seems to be running correctly, how can I resend immediately those suspended mails?

Unfortunately, I am afraid that after I run postqueue -f and messages were moved to the active queue, amavisd again topped CPU at 100% and postfix started piling up again messages.

So, I restarted amavisd and messages moved again to the deferred queue.

Now,  I am thinking of temporarily removing the:

   content_filter = smtp-amavis:[]:10024

line from main.cf and *restarting* postfix (or rebooting the server), then run "postqueue -f" again, at lest to have queued messages delivered.

Can I leave the inet n  -       n       -       - smtpd

line in master.cf as is? I think it won't hurt being there, even if amavisd is not running. Please confirm.

Can I restart Postfix/server safely for the queue? I need to make sure these messages in the deferred queue do NOT get lost.


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