Am 12.03.2014 12:58, schrieb tejas sarade:
>> how should that be possible?
>> the hostname the client pretends?
>> how could you trust that?
>> how could you trust any hostname?
>> there is nothing else trustable than the connecting real IP
> No. Not the hostname that client pretends, I am talking 
> about valid DNS A record throuch DNS lookup.

how do you imagine that
please read how DNS works

in case of a connecting IP you have no A-Record
A = translate name to IP and not the other way
PTR = IP to name and controlled by the DNS responsible for the network range

>> frankly you must even not make relay decisions based on a
>> static PTR because i can add any PTR i like in my own DNS
>> server which is authoritative for my zone
> I am not running my own DNS server

does not matter, i do and if i know what hostname you
like to see i greet yoi with that in EHLO and set my
PTR to that name

>> the same way you can nobody stop make a valid PTR record
>> you like to see on your side for grant relay permissions
> I just want to creat and access control system where I will 
> provide the list of valid hostname(FQDN). Postfix will lookup 
> the IP of that FQDN through public DNS and consider that 
> IP as trusted IP

that does not work - postfix can only query the PTR and at best
than verify that the PTR to a IP matchs the A-record but that
also means if doing so you maust *always* make sure that your
dynamic IP becomes the correct PTR

please understand that you must not make relay decisions based
on hostnames - the only harmless decisions are rejects based
on that but never for opening a spam door

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