On Aug 20, 2014, at 3:56 AM, ml ml <mliebher...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> rom time to time i get hit by mass mail with fake sender addresses.
> By default my postfix accepted those mails until it found out that the
> recipent does not exists. Then postfix tries to send back that "550
> User Unknown" error mail.
> However, the sender is fake. Therefore the mails get stuck on my postfix mta.

Why are you accepting mail for non-existent recipients? That is NOT the default 
Postfix behavior. If the recipient does not exist, by default, Postfix will 
reject the mail. To get the “accept and then bounce” behavior you seem to have, 
you have changed something. But since you have provided no information on your 
configuration, anything further is merely guessing.

Larry Stone

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