Joe Acquisto-j4:
> Well, I can tell you it is  SuSe 10,  postfix 2.5 (mumble).   Beyond
> that, I cannot divulge much more without running afoul of local
> security concerns.
> The author of the reporting scripts is reluctant, but willing, to
> correct the known issues, but I was hoping for some simple change
> that would ignore any syntax problem in the from address of email,
> from local/trusted sources, as this is likely to surface again as
> time goes on.

Postfix tolerates many mistakes, but it won't parse an address with
unquoted whitespace. There is a limit to what I consider reasonable.

People who run Postfix 2.8 or later can use smtpd_command_filter
( to
make minor corrections before Postfix parses command input.  The
documentation shows some examples.

Something like:

/^RCPT\s+TO:<([^"[:space:]]+ .+)@([^[:space:]]+>.*)/  RCPT TO:<"$1"@$2

would deal with unquoted spaces in an address. One can make it more
precise if needed; that's left as an exercise for the reader.


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