Tomas Macek:
> Hello, I'm trying to prevent my testing postfix installation 2.8.4 from 
> being 
> abused by emails that will go to the root@localhost email address. 
> I found out that it receives these messages accindetally, when I 
> tested my configuration.
> The root@localhost must be accessible, when the mail comes from localhost 
> machine and not be accessible from the rest of the world - that's clear. 
> My server will receive email from many virtual domains.
> I believe the right cfg place is smtpd_recipient_restrictions where I have 
> this:
> smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_mynetworks,
>                                 check_recipient_access 

This allows all mail from local networks.

> 2) when I came from outside world, the restriction worked:
> but when I came from, the mail was received - why exactly? But 

Because of permit_mynetworks/mynetworks.


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