Am 23.12.2014 um 14:23 schrieb Tomas Macek:
I believe the right cfg place is smtpd_recipient_restrictions where I
have this:

smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_mynetworks,

1) is the smtpd_recipient_restrictions right place for such a


2) when I came from outside world, the restriction worked:

but when I came from, the mail was received - why exactly? But
this is the behaviour I expected and wanted - that's OK. But I'm afraid
of some misunderstanding of something...

place "check_recipient_access" before "permit_mynetworks"

you can have multiple check_recipient_access if you need it somewhere else for a different context which should be overriden by "mynetworks"

that's because that way you can build complex rules of whitelisting and blacklisting things in a desired order (policy-daemons, sender restrictions, RBL's, DNSWL's,......)

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