> and the header is still there.

By default, Postfix REMOVES Return-Path headers from email messages.
The default setting is:

    message_drop_headers = bcc, content-length, resent-bcc, return-path

You claim that you removed all the pipe "R" flags.  You can verify
that by temporarily configuring the pipe daemon to deliver the mail
to the command

        /usr/bin/logger -p mail.info

Then you can see all the headers and content in the maillog file.

The discussion has focused on the pipe with the content filter, but
there are other places where the header may be added.

If there are other places in the mail flow that invoke a pipe daemon,
you also need to temporarily configuring the pipe daemon to deliver
the mail to the command

        /usr/bin/logger -p mail.info

Again, convince yourself that Return-Path is absent.


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