On 3/31/2014 7:22 AM, wie...@porcupine.org (Wietse Venema)
<wie...@porcupine.org (Wietse Venema)> wrote:
> Viktor Dukhovni:
>> On Sun, Mar 30, 2014 at 09:13:19PM -0400, Wietse Venema wrote:
>>> Viktor Dukhovni:
>>>> Postfix does not yet support Apple's BURL SMTP extension.  With
>>>> Apple as the only MUA that supports BURL, it probably does not make
>>>> sense for Postfix to support BURL.
>>> Last time I asked (late 2013) Apple currently does not support BURL.
> I was looking for client software so that I could test Postfix
> BURL support without having to implement my own mail client first.
> I saw no BURL activity from iPhone or iPad with Apple's patch for
> Postfix, and the author of the patch confirmed that IOS had no BURL
> support. If anyone knows of a real client that implements BURL (not
> some unmaintained beta) then I am interested.

I guess maybe this is sort of a 'chicken and egg' conundrum? Why would a
client implement something that has no server side support? It seems to
me that it would make more sense for servers to be the first to add
support for things like this. Label it experimental of course
unless/until there is at least one client that can be used for real
world testing, but somebody has to go first...

A question came up recently on the Thunderbird list about BURL support,
and I did some checking and found this as the only message in the
postfix archives with BURL in the subject...

I also found this email from Mike Abbot in April 2010 announcing Apple's
contribution of a patch for both postfix and dovecot for BURL support,
and for CATENATE and URLAUTH support for dovecot too, so I'm confused
about the comment about Apple not supporting it.

So... anyone know what happened here?

I would soooo love to be able to uncheck the 'Save copy to Sent folder'
for my postfix+dovecot accounts.


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