On 2016-07-26 06:42 PM, /dev/rob0 wrote:
BTW Bob, I answered your question on July 18 when you asked it the
first time.


I am sorry I missed your reply. Thank you for trying to help me.

On Tue, Jul 26, 2016 at 07:28:13AM -0600, Bob wrote:
BTW, I do have aliases for emails to the mailman lists in my alias
database, so I believe that is also good.
The setup of GNU Mailman with the lists subdomain in $mydestination
(and *without* the transport_maps!) is trivially easy.

Yes, you add the Mailman aliases file to alias_maps.  There is no
need to maintain parallel virtual_alias_maps entries nor the
"mailman" transport.  It all Just Works, out of the box.

Something got screwed up though as I followed a 'how-to' and I couldn't figure it out. Your conclusion is the same one I eventually got to. I only have the one domain on this server at the moment, at least for the maillist and for general mail.

On 2016-07-25 05:14 PM, Viktor Dukhovni wrote:
On Mon, Jul 25, 2016 at 05:04:15PM -0600, Bob wrote:

lists.faithwalk.ca      mailman:
faithwalk.ca            mailman:
There's your mistake, you can't deliver non-list mail via
mailman, it only handles mailing lists.  Only the "lists"
subdomain should be routed to "mailman". If you want lists of
the form "listn...@faithwalk.ca" you'll need to alias them to
I understand, but don't know how to make this happen.
You'll need to find a sufficiently detailed HOW-TO.  Or perhaps
someone else on the list can walk you through this step-by-step.
(That's more or less what I am trying to do here.)

As I look this up, what I find is changing the line
"faithwalk.ca mailman" to "faithwalk.ca smtp:faithwalk.ca" but
it seems wrong to me as I look at it. Do I need to change to
virtual domains to use mailman?
That way lies madness.  It's a good choice for masochists.

Yes it is and thank you for verifying this for me! Besides, it felt more confusing to this wannabe smart guy.

Local domains should, and by default do, get delivered by
local(8) not smtp(8).
So, should I take out "faithwalk.ca mailman" if it works by
Yes, but if you host lists at that domain, you'll need some
aliases, if all the lists are in the "lists." subdomain, then it
might be sufficient, provided there are no other issues.
The "other issues" might be namespace collisions.  If you host more
than one list domain, you can only have any particular list name in
one of them.  For example, if you host lists.example.com and also
lists.example.org, and you have "listn...@lists.example.com" as a
Mailman list, you can't also have "listn...@lists.example.org".

And yet, those addresses would be seen as valid for smtpd recipient
validation, so you might need to put in check_recipient_access
restrictions to prevent getting list mail for the wrong domain.

Similarly, if your regular users are using local(8) delivery, you
should consider whether you have other namespace collisions in
regular users with Mailman lists (and vice versa.)  If you have a
system user named "info" and a Mailman list called
"i...@lists.example.com", the system user "info" won't get any
mail; it would go to the Mailman list alias.

Perhaps neither of these are problems for you; if so, don't worry
about it.

If namespace collisions are a problem, see:

As you said, none of this is an issue for me. I will be keeping the 'names' unique so there is no namespace collisions. It is a small private system and service to select groups of people, so this will not be an issue to administer now that it is all working.

Again, I apologize for not seeing your reply when I first posted.

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